Paul H. Dobiecki, Architect PLLCMade with Xara Paul H. Dobiecki, ArchitectPaul H. DobieckiNew York State Registered Architect New York Institute of TechnologyProfessional AffiliationsNew York State Association of ArchitectsRotary InternationalMr. Dobiecki has over 25 years experience in the filed of Architecture. Paul Dobiecki has worked on a variety of both commercial and residential projects ranging in size up to 15 million dollars.Through his career Mr. Dobiecki has worked as a consultant with the United States Federal Government, New York State, New York City and local Long Island Governments agencies including school districts, Fire Districts and medical facilities dealing with clients having diminished or limited capacities.Paul Dobiecki has work in the past as an expert witness in numerous cases involving Construction related matters.Summer 2010Time away from his office work schedule, Paul rode the Canadian Rockies on his 2004 Hd Ultra Classic. He is looking forward to 2012 planning his Alaskan Bike trip,Rotary InternationalPaul Dobiecki has been an active member in the Rotary Club of the Ronkonkoma’s since 1989. In 1996 he was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow by his club for his outstanding service in Rotary.The Four Way Test1. Is it the truth2. Is it Fair to all concerned3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned20 years of ServicePaul Dobiecki, Architect PLLC is a proud sponsor for the Clubhouse of Suffolk 20th Anniversary Gala. The firm has been working with Clubhouse since the beginning and is continuing our relationship with the interior renovations and additions to their present building.